Web Design and Development
PK Softwares, a preferred web development company in Islamabad Pakistan, creates both conventional and unique online solutions to assist stakeholders with business management. Customer Relationship Management Systems (CRM), E-Commerce Solutions (both B2C and B2B), and Content Management Systems (CMS) are a few examples. If you operate a business website, portal, or app, no further software installations are required, nor is expensive hardware such as memory chips. The compatibility of a web solution with all platforms is an added benefit, particularly if it utilizing open source tools and technologies. As a result, you may access your web portal from both a Mac and an IBM PC using any popular web browser, such as Firefox, Chrome, or Internet Explorer.
Similarly, anyone can view updates or new products featured on your company’s web site and quickly transact using a credit card. These are only a few of the advantages highlighted. Contact us to learn more about the commercial opportunities that a standard web solution can provide for you.
This prominent Web Development Company in Islamabad Pakistan, also offers the following related products and services:
- Web Authoring, Publishing, and Designing
- Table-less Web design
- User Interface Designing
- Web Engineering
- Web Content Development
- Client-Side Scripting (HTML/XHTML, CSS, AJAX, Flash, JavaScript, Microsoft Silverlight)
- Server-side scripting (ASP, ColdFusion, CGI, Perl, Java, PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, Microsoft . Net)
- E-Commerce Development
- Internet Applications Development
- Regional, News, Government, Corporate, Sports, Hotels, Accommodations, Technology Web Portals Development
- Web Content Management Systems Development